Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center

Keeping an Eye on Your Vision

Jan 4, 2013 @ 11:50 AM — by Emilio Justo
Tagged with: Eye Health


Happy New Year to you!  It is my sincere hope that you had a fantastic holiday season.  As we dive into 2013, January kicks off National Eye Care Month.  This month was dedicated by eye care professionals around the country to promote healthy vision.  As an ophthalmologist, I strongly suggest that you get your eyes checked every year.  You may have perfect vision or you may wear corrective lenses, but regardless of your current eye situation, regular exams are an essential part of your overall health care and ensure that you will maintain healthy vision for years to come.
Imagine your life without your vision.  It's a scary prospect and one that can likely be prevented with routine eye care.  At the Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center, Dr. Anna Clark and I offer routine exams as well as medical eye care to help treat and prevent numerous eye conditions that can seriously affect your vision.   In honor of National Eye Care month, I am asking that you take a few moments to pick up the phone and schedule your annual eye exam for you and your entire family by calling our office at 623-975-2020.  
Some of the most common eye complaints are dry eyes, floaters, and presbyopia, which is the loss of the ability to see close objects and small print, which is easily corrected with reading glasses.  While Dr. Clark and I definitely want to see you for the above issues, we are more concerned with serious diseases and disorders like cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal diseases such as macular degeneration and others.  The worst thing you can do for yourself is let any of these conditions go untreated.  So please, use this month to take the initiative to ensure healthy eyes for you in 2013.
If you are interested in doing more for National Eye Care Month, the Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center is currently taking donations for the Lions Club.  Any old glasses donated by patients or the community will be given to the Lions Club and in turn distributed to those in need who cannot afford their own eyewear.  
Regardless of how you choose to celebrate National Eye care Month, the importance of eye health in your life should not be ignored.  Please make sure that you and your family's eye care needs are a top priority.
Wishing you and yours a year of health and happiness,
Wishing you and yours a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Emilio, M. Justo, M.D.