Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center

August is Cataract Awareness Month

Aug 18, 2014 @ 03:47 PM — by Emilio Justo
Tagged with: Cataract Lensx Laser Technology

This is a month when we should all take a moment and breathe a sigh of relief.

That is, because we live during a time when technology like that offered here at the Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center, can resolve the most common age-related vision ailment: Cataracts.

It's Cataract Awareness Month and a good time to remember why your annual medical eye exam is so very important, and why you should always come see us if you have any vision concerns.

Our investment into the LenSx femtosecond laser for refractive cataract surgery is improving lives, and doing it in a way that is safer, more precise and reproducible, and more comfortable than ever before.

There is no knife involved. No stitches on your eye. And you don't have to walk around with an eye patch after surgery.

Many patients are relaxing and reading with their dramatically improved vision, the very same day of surgery. Their concerns about losing the independence of driving a car, or of seeing other important hobbies - even books, television or golf - are gone.

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of cataracts can vary dramatically among patients. The best thing to do is to come in for an appointment if you have any questions or concerns about your vision. Often, one of the first indicators is a loss of clarity when reading street signs, newspaper or book print, or watching television. An appearance of glare, halos, or starbursts when looking at streetlights or oncoming headlights when driving at night. Common symptoms are:

·        Cloudy or blurred vision

·        Appearance of faded or yellowing colors

·        Glare or halos around headlights, lamps or sunlight

·        Difficulty seeing at night

·        Double vision or ghosting around images

·        Frequent changes in prescription glasses or contact lenses


The natural aging process is usually the cause of cataract development. However, injury, disease, use of steroids, and genetic predisposition can also lead to cataracts.

Take action

Your eyesight is precious, and we want to catch cataracts, and any other vision concerns such as glaucoma and macular degeneration, early. Please contact us to make an appointment today.

-Emilio M. Justo, M.D.

 Medical Director