Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center

Happy Fourth of July!

Jul 4, 2018 @ 10:00 AM — by Emilio Justo
Tagged with: Independence Day Fourth


It is more valuable than gold. More priceless than a diamond.

Our Independence. That is what we celebrate today.

We celebrate our inalienable rights.  Let's put politics aside today and celebrate our freedoms to vote, express our personal views, and to live the life we work toward.

Today is a day when I watch proudly as my children grow up celebrating Independence. I never take this lightly, as someone who was born in Cuba and brought to the United States by my hard-working parents.

Please have a safe and memorable holiday with your loved ones today, and take a moment to appreciate the magic of this day, and the gift of Independence.

Safety First!

As your ophthalmologist and doctor, I also need to take a moment to remind you that fireworks are a common cause for eye injury. Click here to watch and share a video with your loved ones, helping to plan for a safe and fun day.  Pass it on!

Happy Independence Day!

 - Emilio M. Justo, M.D., Founder & Medical Director