Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center

A+ Exam

Aug 19, 2021 @ 12:42 PM — by Emilio Justo
Tagged with: Exam Eye Justo

Why Your Eye Exam Should Earn an "A" in Education


How often have you felt educated by your eye doctor?

I don’t mean to the point that you have to know every part of the eye, or have detailed knowledge on how our eyes work.  That’s what we dedicate our time and studies toward so that we can use the knowledge in your care.

I am talking about you being educated in - you!  An expert in the field of your eyes!

A vital part of eye care and the routine eye refraction, or the medical eye exam, is receiving the information you need to be educated about your own personal eye care needs, and therefore empowered about your vision needs.

Unfortunately, it is all too common that I hear a patient tell me or my Medical Optometrists here at the Arizona Eye Institute & Cosmetic Laser Center, that their exam with us was the first time they understood a condition they had or faced.

At first, I am pleased and proud of the comment and the new power that the patient has earned for themselves.  And then, I realize another thing.

It should never happen that you are left with questions.

During our 32-plus years in practice, our team has long made it a top priority to share honest opinions, advocate for only necessary care, and educate and inform you as the patient.

You should know every detail about your eye health, and why it matters.  That empowers you to know what to ask at current and future exams, what to look for, and how to treat anything specific to your individual needs.

You deserve to know what to look for in any impending changes to your vision, so that you know when to reach out for help.  Are you forming cataracts that you need to watch?  Are you diabetic and needing more exams than just your annual check? 

We encourage you to bring a list of questions if it helps, and feel comfortable to take notes.  Our team is skilled, experienced and dedicated to helping inform you and identify the best treatment and care to ensure the best vision health – and general health – possible for your best life.

Eye health can be vital, and is a lot of new technology that can help not only identify future vision health needs, but help you with your overall health.

Remember, we are here for YOU!

Ready to get your eye exam in?  Contact us here!