Save 25% on Kybella!
Have a Hard Time Losing Chin Weight?
You may be a good candidate for Kybella, the first FDA-approved injectable used to treat unwanted fatty tissue underneath the chin. Men and women alike often find themselves battling the dreaded "double chin." It can impact your entire appearance and confidence.
During the month of September, we are offering a limited-supply discount!
of Kybella
for only $1,800!*
That's 25% - a savings of $600!
* Hurry! Discount is while supplies last. Certain restrictions may apply.
We are proud to offer the safe, natural product that can help qualified candidates to eliminate that hard to battle submental fat tissue that can make us look bigger or older than we feel.
Kybella is an FDA-approved Allergan product that our Certified Aesthetic Laser Nurse, Roxanne Dorty, R.N., has had great success using to eliminate fatty chin tissue.
Meet Joe, pictured above, a Scottsdale resident whose active lifestyle was no match for his chin until he underwent two treatments of Kybella with Roxanne. The results afterward are dramatic.
The active ingredient in Kybella is synthetic deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule that our bodies normally use to breakdown and absorb dietary fat. Roxanne injects this natural product into the fat beneath your chin, allowing it to destroy fat cells and create a noticeable reduction of the submental fullness that you think of as your "double chin." The fat within these cells is eliminated, leaving your face slimmer.
The minimum Kybella treatment plan includes two sessions. Roxanne works with qualified candidates to develop an individualized plan to help achieve each patient's desired goals and your needs. A free consultation will help confirm whether you are a candidate.
Patients who are not candidates for Kybella can seek additional care options through Roxanne, or consult our Medical Director, Emilio M. Justo, M.D., about a neck lift or face lift.
Schedule a free consultation with our Certified Aesthetic Laser Nurse, Roxanne, Dorty, R.N. to see if you are a candidate for Kybella.
Meet Sarah, Before and After her first treatment: